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Local structure and its absolute scaling law of the most intermittency in turbulence signals

  • 摘要: 通过对湍流层次结构模型中提出的最高激发态的进一步研究发现,最高激发态存在绝对标度律,且该绝对标度律是由信号中最强耗散涨落的局部结构产生的,并由此推测出局部强间歇结构一般具有绝对标度的结论.


    Abstract: In this paper, the most intensive structure proposed firstin Hierarchical-Structure (H-S) model is further studied, and it isconcluded that there exists an absolute scaling law for this structure,and the statistical absolute scaling behavior is only produced by the local andstrong intermittence structure. In a statistical theory, it is essentialto consider the local fluid structures, especially, the strong intensivestructures.


