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Propagation of Failure Front in Shock-loaded Polycrystalline Alumina

  • 摘要: 进行了平面冲击波压缩下氧化铝陶瓷中破坏阵面的实验测试和理论探索. 通过氧化铝陶瓷的平板碰撞实验,借助VISAR测试系统测量了试件自由面的质点速度历程,并对回收试件进行了电镜扫描观察. 质点自由面速度历程曲线表明,氧化铝陶瓷材料中存在破坏阵面的传播. 考察了破坏阵面的传播特性,给出了陶瓷材料的动态破坏模型,并对破坏阵面的传播进行了数值分析.


    Abstract: The dynamic failure behaviors of brittle alumina under shock compression were investigated in this paper. Plate impact experiments were carried out on alumina whereas the free surface velocity profiles were measured through VISAR and the recovered samples were scanned with SEM. The failure front manifested to propagate in the material when the particle velocity history at free surface was checked. The dynamic failure mechanism in ceramics was generally probed associated with the consideration to the mesoscopic structural characteristics as well as induced stress distribution singularity within the mesoscope. Dynamic failure properties of the failure front were discussed occurring in the alumina. A dynamic failure model of shock-loaded alumina and the governing equation of failure front propagation along with a respective failure criterion were built up. A numerical results on propagation of failure front in terms of longitudinal and transverse stress in alumina were presented.Key words: alumina, plate impact experiment, failure front, failure model


