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The study of turbulent properties in stable flexuous blow-suck boundary channel flow

  • 摘要: 在非平衡湍流中,如具有周期性边界条件的流动,由于雷诺应力与平均流速的变形率有着不同的性质,当周期性边界条件发生变化时,雷诺应力和平均流速变形率的相位对边界条件的响应也不同,但是二者的相位差在相当大的范围内是稳定的. 这一特性加深了对雷诺应力的认识,并对非平衡湍流中的模式理论及大涡模拟中亚格子雷诺应力模式的建立提出了许多需要注意的问题. 利用层流模型,把空间周期性边界条件作为某种扰动,研究了扰动及其非线性项的分布以及相位间的关系,得到了一些有益的结果.


    Abstract: In non-equilibrium turbulent flows, the properties betweenReynolds stress and rate of strain is different, the phase difference of theReynolds stress and rate of strain are stable in a sizable range. This isuseful to understand Reynolds stress and rate of strain, and posed greatproblem to non-equilibrium turbulent models and sub-grade Reynolds stressmodels in LES. Distribution of the disturbance and its non-line term andrelation of the phase were also studied with laminar model in this paper.


