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Numerical analysis of flow-induced residual stresses in injection molding for polymer

  • 摘要: 建立了可压缩黏弹性聚合物熔体在薄壁型腔中充模/保压过程中非等温、非稳态流动的数学模型,用数值方法实现了注射成型过程中流动应力和取向建立及松弛过程的模拟,研究了熔体温度、模具温度和注射速率等工艺条件对分子冻结取向的影响,取得了与实验相符的结果.


    Abstract: To simulate buildup and relaxation of flow-induced stresses and molecularorientation in injection molding process, a mathematical model is derivedthat describes the unsteady and non-isothermal flow of compressibleviscoelastic polymer melts in the thin wall mold cavity on the base of thinfilm lubrication approximation. The compressible Leonov viscoelasticconstitutive equation and Tait state equation are used in the model todescribe the effects of compressibility of polymer melt which occur in thepost-filling stage. The model is applied to the injection molding processwhich is treated in terms of a filling, post-filling and cooling stage andis solved using a finite difference method. Stresses calculated with themodel are coupled to birefringence by means of the stress-optical rule.Birefrigence is used to characterize the molecular orientation. The finalresults are given in terms of residual stresses and associated birefringencein the molded part, as influenced by the processing conditions. The resultindicates that, for a given polymer, the main factors affecting flow-inducedresidual stresses and associated birefringence are flow rate and melttemperature, and with the incompressible case flow-induced residual stressesand associated birefringence are increased when the compressibility of themelt is considered. The result are compared with the birfriengencemeasurement in the literature and reasonable agreement is obtained.


