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Adjoint Shape Sensitivity Analysis Based On Generalized Variational

  • 摘要: 提出了一种利用伴随变量进行结构形状优化灵敏度分析的新方法. 基于广义变分原理,考虑了形状优化中位移边界条件的变化对结构响应的影响. 新方法弥补了Arora等人所提出的形状优化灵敏度分析变分原理中的缺陷,为采用伴随法进行灵敏度分析提供了新的框架.


    Abstract: Variational principle for adjoint design sensitivity analysis wasfirst developed by Arora. The original form of the principle is stated interms of an augmented functional that is defined by adding to the responsefunctional whose sensitivity is required, the weak form equilibrium equationof the primary problem. In the present paper, a new adjoint shapesensitivity analysis method for shape optimization of continuum structuresis proposed. Based on the generalized variational principle, the shapevariation of the displacement prescribed boundary and the associatedderivatives of the prescribed boundary conditions is considered in aconsistent way. The proposed method eliminates the limitation of Arora'smethod for dealing with the variations of Dirichlet boundaries and providesa new framework for shape sensitivity analysis. An analytical exampleillustrates the effectiveness and validity of the proposed approach.


