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Double-balloon dynamics model

  • 摘要: 在建立自由气圈的动力学模型的基础上,进一步提出了双气圈的动力学模型. 该模型整体化求解双气圈纱线的形态和张力的方法,既改进了以往忽略控制环的解析方法,又避免了求解中由边界条件的不确定性带来的计算上的繁琐和近似. 因微分方程中加入了切向空气阻力、纱线的卷取速度及重力等微影响因素,使模型更为严密、可靠,同时拓宽了模型的使用范围.


    Abstract: In this paper a double-balloon dynamic model is presentedfor a whirling yarn of a ring spinning machine with balloon control ring,considering influences of running speed of the yarn, tangential directionair drag and gravitational force on the yarn as well as inertia of the yarn,normal direction air drag and tension of the yarn. Although dynamictreatment of the connecting condition of the yarn at the balloon controlring is very important both for analytical theory and practical applicationto control of ring spinning machine, there have never been derived dynamicanalytical theory considering many practical parameters. In the paper theauthors derived condition equations of the yarn contacting to the controlring, taking account of reaction force of the ring to the yarn andfrictional force between the ring and the yarn. Obtained equations canderive numerically the shape of whirling yarn (balloon shape, inclinationangle of the yarn to bobbin axis) and the yarn tension, if the certainvalues of the system parameter such as diameters of the traveler guide ringand balloon control ring, heights of yarn guide and control ring above thetraveler guide, air drag coefficients of the yarn, coefficient of frictionalforce of control ring to the yarn, revolution speed of the bobbin, etc. aregiven. Numerical calculations results proved validity of the theory. Thetheory derived is applicable to on-line and real time control of the yarntension of ring spinning machine.


