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  • 摘要: 一维爆轰传播的理论完备、计算准确, 二维斜爆轰传播由于壁面与黏性效应, 大尺度、高精度预测还有一定难度. 利用Euler方程和H2-Air基元反应模型, 对二维有限长楔面诱导的斜爆轰和活塞驱动一维非定常正爆轰进行计算比较研究, 从时空两个维度方面, 分析了两者在起爆过程、稀疏波传播、爆轰波面演化中的关联特性. 研究结果表明: 在过驱动度相同的条件下, 经过时空变换的活塞驱动一维爆轰传播与二维驻定斜爆轰在起爆区波系结构、波面演化特征和主要参数分布规律方面无论定性或者定量对比均符合较好, 所以, 一维非定常爆轰和二维驻定斜爆轰具有时空相关性. 两者的差异主要体现在过驱动斜爆轰受稀疏波影响过渡到近Chapman-Jouguet (C-J)爆轰状态所需的弛豫时间不同, 原因可能是起源于活塞和壁面稀疏波强度的差异. 本文提出的一维与二维爆轰传播的时空关联方法不仅有助于认知斜爆轰起爆、过驱爆轰产生、胞格爆轰演化的三阶段规律, 还可以对比揭示壁面、边界层和黏性效应的影响, 应用在斜爆轰发动机燃烧室设计中能够有效节约计算时间和成本, 并降低复杂度.


    Abstract: The propagation theory of one-dimensional detonation is complete and accurate, while prediction of two-dimensional oblique detonation propagation with large scale and high accuracy is still difficult primarily due to the treatment of wedge wall during the calculation and the modelling of viscosity. In this paper, the space-time correlation between two-dimensional steady oblique detonation induced by finite wedge and one-dimensional unsteady detonation supported by piston is investigated by numerical simulations of multi-species Euler equations with H2-Air detailed chemical kinetics. The initiation and propagation process of detonation wave, together with its interaction with rarefaction waves are numerically analyzed from the perspective of both space and time. The results show that under the same overdriven degree, the wave structure, wall parameters and profile variation calculated from one-dimensional case fit well both qualitatively and quantitatively with two-dimensional case after a certain space-time transformation, which validates the space-time correlation between one- and two-dimensional detonation waves. The difference mainly lies in the transition process between different stages of detonation development, such as the transition from over-driven oblique detonation wave to near Chapman-Jouguet (CJ) oblique detonation wave under the effect of rarefaction waves. Since most features of oblique detonation waves over finite wedge can be obtained efficiently by one-dimensional numerical calculation of piston-driven detonation and space-time transformation, the present work provides a feasible way to understand the spatial structure of oblique detonations waves, including detonation initiation, formation of over-driven oblique detonation and cellular structure downstream. Besides, this paper also provides a novel method to distinguish the effect of wall compression and boundary layer by comparing one- and two-dimensional numerical results. Moreover, the results imply that two-dimensional flow field over wedges of different shapes can be obtained with satisfying accuracy by altering the velocity of piston, which greatly reduces the time, cost and complexity of numerical simulation during the design of combustion chamber in an oblique detonation wave engine.


