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  • 摘要: 随着全球气候变暖,北极活动频次的逐渐增加,海冰与波流的耦合作用成为了国内外的热点研究问题. 海冰的存在会改变波浪的传播特性和色散关系,也会改变海流运动的边界条件,使得海流在冰面下边界处可能产生漩涡脱落等现象;而海冰在波浪、海流等动力作用下,也会不断发生生消、断裂、重叠和堆积等动力学行为.海冰与波流耦合动力学中存在几大难点问题:一是海冰模型的构建,需要针对海冰类型和性质的不同,考虑不同区域的海冰分布情况建立合适的海冰模型.二是冰水之间的耦合问题,海冰边界影响着冰水之间的动量和能量交换,对于冰盖、浮冰等不同类型海冰,需分别处理边界问题;冰水耦合引起的海冰破坏,其破坏模式也是多样的.三是波流联合场的构建,目前尚无较好的方法构建波流联合场,导致海冰与波流联合场作用的相关研究仍极其匮乏.因此,本文针对海冰与波流相互作用问题,回顾和讨论国内外对海冰与波浪、海冰与海流及海冰与波流相互作用的研究现状和技术难点,展望了未来可以进一步深入研究的问题,提出了初步的思路以供参考.


    Abstract: With global warming and the increasing frequency of Arctic activities, the interaction between sea ice and waves/currents has become an attractive research issue at home and abroad. The existence of sea ice changes the propagation characteristics and dispersion relationships of waves, and also changes the boundary conditions of ocean currents, inducing vortex shedding at the lower surface of the sea ice. The sea ices generate and extinct, fracture, overlap and accumulate under the effects of waves and currents. There are several difficulties in studying the interaction between sea ice and waves/currents. The first is the construction of sea ice model appropriately, which needs to consider the differences of the types and properties of sea ice in different cold regions. The distributions of sea ice also should be taken into account in the sea ice model. The second is the coupling problem between sea ice and water. The boundary of sea ice affects the exchange of momentum and energy between sea ice and water. The boundary conditions of sea ice should be dealt with appropriately in terms of ice sheet and ice floes. There are many fracture modes of sea ice, but the sea ice may have complex fracture modes with coexistence of many different fracture modes under the action of sea ice and water coupling. The third is the construction of wave-current joint field. At present, there is no efficient method to construct the wave-current joint field, which leads to lack of relevant research on interaction for sea ice and wave-current joint field to understand the physic problem. Therefore, this paper reviews and discusses the research status and technical difficulties of interactions between sea ice and wave, current and wave-current fields. The problems that can be further studied in the future are predicted and the preliminary ideas are put forward for reference.


