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  • 摘要: 以热力学为基础,结合化学反应速率方程,推导得出描述超高速碰撞产生的等离子体电子密度与系统内能关系的物理方程组. 应用自行编写的二维光滑粒子流体动力学(smoothed particle hydrodynamics, SPH) 程序求解了此方程组,在模拟超高速碰撞过程中计算产生的等离子体,实现对超高速碰撞产生等离子体的数值模拟.进行铝球超高速碰撞双层铝板的数值模拟研究,给出与实验对比的结果. 统计前后两次碰撞产生等离子体的电量,发现碰撞较薄的前板产生了较少的电荷而一次碎片云对较厚后板的碰撞产生了大量的电荷. 交换前后两板的位置. 进行相同速度碰撞的模拟,分析结果发现一次碎片云碰撞后板产生的等离子体电量远小于第一次的模拟结果,而前板碰撞产生的等离子体电量要高于第一次模拟结果,由此可见,超高速碰撞产生等离子体的总电量不仅与弹丸的质量和碰撞速度有关,与薄板的厚度也有很大的关系,通过一次碎片云与第二层板碰撞可以产生远高于弹丸碰撞单层板产生的电量,可以提高等离子体产生效率,增强对航天器的电磁毁伤.


    Abstract: Based on the thermodynamics, a group of physical equations describing the relationship between the system internal energy and the electron density of hypervelocity impact generated plasmas were derived by combining with the chemical reaction rate equation. This group of equations was solved by a self-developed 2D SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) code to calculate the plasmas generated in the simulations of hypervelocity impacts in order to achieve the simulation of the generated plasmas. Then an aluminum projectile impact on double plates was numerically investigated and the results were compared with some experimental results. After accounting the charges generated by impacts on the front plate and the back plate respectively, it was found that the charges generated by the impact on the front plate were much less than thoses generated by the impact of first debris cloud on the back plate. Another simulation under the same condition except for the exchange of the two plates was conducted and the result showed that the plasma charges generated by the impact of debris cloud on the back plate in this simulation were less than that in the previous simulation but the plasma charges generated by the impact on the front plate in this simulation were more than that in the previous simulation. From these simulations, it could be concluded that the plasma charges generated by hypervelocity impact were not only related to the projectile mass and the impact velocity but also closely dependent on the thickness of the thin plate. The collision between the debris cloud and the second target generated more charges than the impact on the single target by the projectile. The impact on double plates increased the generation rate of the plasma and electromagnetic damage to the spacecraft.


