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  • 摘要: 在预加热到135℃的激波管反射激波后5区,以点火过程中OH自由基在306.5nm处特征发射光谱强度的急剧变化作为点火发生的标志,进行了RP-3航空煤油点火特性的实验研究.实验温度范围为800~1450K,当量比为0.5,1,1.5,压力为0.05,0.1,0.2MPa,O2的摩尔浓度为空气含量20%.实验获得了低压条件下(0.05,0.1,0.2MPa)RP-3航空煤油点火延时与点火温度﹑压力﹑当量比以及煤油和氧气浓度的依赖关系.将低压实验结果与高压(0.55,1.1,2.2MPa)条件下煤油点火特性进行了对比.结果显示,当量比对煤油点火特性的影响存在一个临界温度.在临界温度以上的高温区,煤油点火延时随当量比增加而增长;在临界温度以下的低温区,煤油点火延时随当量比增加而缩短;这一临界温度随点火压力的降低而升高.采用3种煤油燃烧反应动力学机理对煤油点火过程进行了动力学数值模拟,并与实验结果进行了对比.结果显示,Honnet等提出的煤油反应机理在高压(2.2MPa)下与实验结果吻合得很好,而在低压下有一些差异.对不同压力条件下的点火过程进行敏感度分析表明,三体反应H+O2+M=HO2+M在高压时对煤油点火起轻微抑制作用,而在低压时对煤油点火起促进作用.


    Abstract: In a shock tube preheated at a constant temperature of 135℃, the ignition delay characteristics of RP-3 aviation kerosene were studied behind reflected shock waves by monitoring the steepest rise of the characteristic emission of OH radical at 306.5nm. Experimental conditions covered a wider temperature range of 800~1450K, at pressures of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2MPa, equivalence ratios of 0.5, 1 and 1.5, and oxygen concentration of 20% (mol). Under low-pressure conditions, the experimental results of ignition delay time were correlated with the temperature, pressure, stoichiometry, and the concentrations of kerosene and oxygen. The comparison between current data and the previous high-pressure results shows that a critical temperature exists about the effect of equivalence ratio on the ignition behavior of RP-3 kerosene. For the higher temperature range above the critical temperature, ignition delay time increases with increasing equivalence ratio, but decreases with increasing equivalence ratio for the lower temperature range below the critical temperature. This critical temperature also rises with decreasing the pressure. Meanwhile, the ignition process of kerosene was simulated by using three kinds of kerosene combustion kinetic models, and the comparison was made between the experimental and calculated results. The results show good agreement between experimental data and the prediction based on the model of Honnet et al. at high pressure of 2.2MPa, but some differences at lower pressures. The sensitivity analyses for different pressures indicate that the three-body reaction (H+O2+M=HO2+M) shows a slight inhibitory effect on kerosene ignition at high pressures, but a promoting effect at low pressures.


