摘要: 以进一步提升高速列车的运行平稳性和曲线通过速度为目标, 设计了转向架二系垂向减振器主动悬挂控制构型, 提出了基于扰动观测器的滑模控制方法, 实现了车体垂向振动和主动倾摆的多目标协同控制. 建立车辆垂向简化动力学模型, 设计兼顾车体浮沉、点头和侧滚模态振动的滑模面, 基于滑模控制原理推导了主动力表达式; 构建扰动观测器实现部分状态反馈量的估计, 并证明控制系统的稳定性; 进而, 基于SIMPACK搭建车辆全自由度动力学模型, 在MATLAB/SIMULINK中建立控制器和主动执行机构, 实现动力学与控制联合仿真; 分析主动倾摆控制效果, 以及典型轨道不平顺激励下车体振动抑制效果. 研究表明: 所设计的主动垂向悬挂构型和滑模控制方法, 可以显著降低车体10 Hz以内的垂向加速度和平稳性指标, 优于传统天棚阻尼控制和被动悬挂工况; 利用滑模控制还可实现曲线线路上车体主动倾摆, 能够降低离心力对旅客乘坐舒适性的影响, 可达到摆式列车的作用效果; 车体主动倾摆控制会略微增大脱轨系数等安全性指标, 但仍在安全限值范围内并具有足够裕量. 主动垂减控制可以同时兼顾车体垂向振动与倾摆控制, 进一步提升高速列车在直线和曲线线路上运行平稳性.Abstract: To further enhance the ride comfort and curve passing speed of high-speed rail vehicles, this study investigates the active control principles of vertical dampers in secondary suspension and proposes a multi-objective coordinated control method for the vertical vibration and roll motion of the carbody. A simplified vertical dynamic model of the vehicle was established, and a sliding mode surface was designed to address the vertical, pitch, and roll modes of the carbody. The main control force expression was derived based on the sliding mode control theory. A disturbance observer was constructed to estimate the partial state feedback, and the stability of the control system was proven. Subsequently, a three-dimensional nonlinear dynamic model of the vehicle system was established using SIMPACK, while the controller and actuators are implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK, enabling co-simulation of dynamics and active control. The control effectiveness of carbody roll is investigated, and the effects of active vertical damping control on the ride comfort under typical track irregularities are analyzed. Numerical simulations indicate that the designed active vertical suspension configuration and sliding mode control theory can significantly reduce vertical acceleration below 10 Hz and drop the Sperling index, outperforming conventional skyhook damping control and passive suspension. The use of sliding mode control also enables active carbody roll motion control on curved tracks, reducing unbalanced centrifugal forces and substantially enhancing ride comfort, achieving control effects comparable to those of tilting trains. Although the active carbody roll control slightly increases safety indicators such as the derailment coefficient, these remain within safe limits with sufficient margins. The active vertical damping control can simultaneously address vertical vibration and roll motion control of the carbody, thereby further improving ride comfort both on tangent and curved tracks.