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  • 摘要: 在进行海底隧道防排水系统设计时, 为了实现排水量的主动控制, 需对围岩自身堵水能力有清楚认识. 首先提出围岩抗渗性的概念, 即隧道围岩抵抗水流渗透的能力, 推导了裂隙岩体非线性渗流条件下隧道原始渗水量预测公式, 揭示了工程地质条件、水力联系和隧道尺寸效应等因素对围岩抗渗性的影响机理; 在此基础上, 通过对52个典型海底及富水隧道断面的渗水案例数据的统计分析, 明确提出了隧道围岩抗渗性影响因素为岩石覆盖层厚度、水头高度、岩石单轴饱和抗压强度以及体积节理数, 为指标建立了围岩抗渗性分级标准. 利用二分法及训练数据集的信息增益率对统计数据进行机器学习, 建立了可分析连续值属性的决策树模型, 由此可通过该模型对围岩参数进行搜索以实现围岩抗渗性分级. 最后将该模型应用于胶州湾第二海底隧道海域钻爆段, 验证了本文抗渗性分级方法的合理性和可行性. 文章研究成果为海底隧道排水量控制标准的确定提供了理论依据, 相较于传统的围岩分级方法, 抗渗性分级综合考虑了围岩条件及其渗流力学响应, 据此采取的防排水设计与分区防水方案将更为科学合理.


    Abstract: When designing the waterproofing and drainage system for an subsea tunnel, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the surrounding rock's inherent water-blocking capabilities to achieve active control over the drainage volume. This paper first introduces the concept of the surrounding rock impermeability, defined as the ability of the rock’s ability to resist water infiltration into the tunnel. A predictive formula for water inflow is derived, taking into account nonlinear seepage conditions in fractured rock masses. The formula considers several factors that influence impermeability, including engineering geological conditions, hydraulic connectivity within the rock, and the size of the tunnel. On this basis, the study performs a statistical analysis of water inflow data from 52 typical subsea tunnel sections, particularly those in water-rich environments, to identify key factors influencing the impermeability of surrounding rock. These factors include rock cover thickness, hydraulic head, uniaxial saturated compressive strength of the rock, and volumetric joint count. These factors are used as indicators to establish a classification standard for the rock impermeability. To enhance the classification process, machine learning techniques are employed. The bisection method and information gain ratio from the training dataset are used to analyze the data. A decision tree model capable of handling continuous-valued attributes is established. This model allows for the classification of surrounding rock impermeability based on the relevant rock parameters, thus enabling a more automated and data-driven approach to impermeability classification. Finally, the model is applied to the drill-and-blast section of the Qingdao-Jiaozhou Bay Second Subsea Tunnel, verifying the rationality and feasibility of the proposed anti-seepage classification method. The research findings provide a theoretical basis for determining drainage control standards in subsea tunnels. Compared to traditional rock mass classification methods, the anti-seepage classification method comprehensively considers the conditions of the surrounding rock and its seepage mechanical response, leading to a more scientific and reasonable approach to waterproofing design and zoned drainage strategies.


