摘要: 针对高超声速飞行器电磁调控分析中霍尔电场高效数值模拟方法的需求, 以磁流体动力学基本原理为基础, 构造了双曲形式的霍尔电场控制方程. 基于自行开发的计算流体力学数值求解框架, 在非结构混合网格上通过格心有限体积方法建立了新的霍尔电场数值模拟方法. 迎风分裂格式基于Rusanov格式, 时间推进基于LU-SGS隐式算法. 以立方体区域泊松方程算例和分段电极流动通道霍尔电势算例为例对文章数值方法的准确性、收敛特性以及计算效率进行了考核和验证. 数值模拟结果表明, 当前数值方法计算结果与传统方法相同, 且具有良好的收敛特性, 对于立方体区域泊松方程算例, 当前方法所需墙上时间为传统方法的28.76%, 而对于分段电极流动通道霍尔电势算例, 当前方法所需墙上时间仅为传统方法的0.61%. 文章提出的新的霍尔电场数值模拟方法具有较高的计算效率.Abstract: Based on the fundamental principles of magnetohydrodynamics, a hyperbolic Hall electric field governing equation is constructed to meet the need of an efficient numerical simulation method for the electromagnetic control analysis of hypersonic vehicles. A new numerical simulation method of Hall electric field on unstructured hybrid grids is established by using the cell-centered finite volume method with in-house CFD numerical solution framework. The Rusanov scheme is used as upwind splitting scheme, and time marching is based on LU-SGS implicit algorithm. The accuracy, convergence characteristics and computational efficiency of the numerical method are evaluated and verified by the two case, and that is Poisson’s equation on cube region and the Hall electric field on segmented electrode flow channel. The numerical simulation shows that the results of the present numerical method are the same as those of the traditional method, and has good convergence characteristics. For the case Poisson’s equation on cube region, the wall time required by the present method is 28.76% of that of the traditional method, while for the Hall electric field on segmented electrode flow channel, the wall time required by the present method is only 0.61% of that of the traditional method. The new numerical simulation method of Hall electric field proposed in this paper has high computational efficiency.