La$_{30}$Ce$_{30}$Al$_{15}$Co$_{25}$金属玻璃应力松弛行为 1)

STRESS RELAXATION OF La$_{30}$Ce$_{30}$Al$_{15}$Co$_{25}$ METALLIC GLASS 1)
Chen Yinghong,Wang Yunjiang,Qiao Jichao
图4 La$_{30}$Ce$_{30}$Al$_{15}$Co$_{25}$金属玻璃在不同温度下应力率$\ln(\dot{\sigma})$随应力的演化规律, 插图是333 K下曲线, 可以观察到明显的分段现象
Fig.4 $\ln (\dot{\sigma})$ of La$_{30}$Ce$_{30}$Al$_{15}$Co$_{25}$ metallic glass as a function of stress. The inset shows an example at a given temperature of 333~K, which shows an obvious change of stress relaxation with the variation of stress