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CFD based virtual flight simulation of square cross-section missile with control in longitudinal flight

  • 摘要: 通过将飞行力学模型及操纵控制舵面的控制律同流体力学方程耦合求解, 能够完成基于CFD方法的虚拟飞行模拟. 通过这种方法实现了方形截面导弹的纵向虚拟飞行模拟. 着重介绍了将飞行力学方程及舵偏控制律耦合到CFD解算器中的方法, 以及用于复杂外形的需要随飞行器及舵偏一起运动的多块结构网格更新方法,研究成果未来可用于非线性条件下飞行器稳定性及控制律的检验. 完成了方形截面导弹纵向虚拟飞行模拟,包括纵向俯仰自由度的迎角保持机动和通过舵面的偏转控制飞行器迎角按照预定的变化量减小; 通过两种典型机动动作的模拟,证明发展的耦合计算方法以及所采用的配平算法可以成功地应用于虚拟飞行模拟中.


    Abstract: The simulation of virtual flight based on computationalfluid dynamics (CFD) is now becoming possible together with theincorporation of a controller with control surface commands and controlsurface deflections. This paper investigates CFD-based virtual flight for ageneric square cross-section missile configuration in longitudinal motions.The incorporation of the flight mechanics equations and a controller intothe CFD solver loop, a multi-block structured-grid scheme with both thecontrol surface deformations and the rigid motion of the aircraft, aredescribed. This study is helpful to a wider effort towards the simulation ofguide and navigation, and validates flight stability in nonlinearaerodynamics regions. The virtual flight simulation of square sectionmissile with control in longitudinal flight are presentedincluding holding angle of attack and prescribed maneuver about incidencedecreasing with required angle. The availability of the coupling method andthe trim arithmetic are proved in the virtual flight simulations through thetwo typical maneuver actions.


