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张子健 徐敏 陈士橹. 基于气动力辨识的ASE模型降阶研究[J]. 力学学报, 2009, 41(5): 641-650. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2009-5-2008-223
引用本文: 张子健 徐敏 陈士橹. 基于气动力辨识的ASE模型降阶研究[J]. 力学学报, 2009, 41(5): 641-650. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2009-5-2008-223
Zijian Zhang, Min Xu, Shilu Chen. Investigation of model reduction for aeroservoelasticity based on unsteady aerodynamics estimating[J]. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2009, 41(5): 641-650. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2009-5-2008-223
Citation: Zijian Zhang, Min Xu, Shilu Chen. Investigation of model reduction for aeroservoelasticity based on unsteady aerodynamics estimating[J]. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2009, 41(5): 641-650. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2009-5-2008-223


Investigation of model reduction for aeroservoelasticity based on unsteady aerodynamics estimating

  • 摘要: CFD/CSD耦合计算能够准确预测跨音速段飞行器弹性振动的非定常气动力, 但其带来的巨大计算量及高阶维数不利于气动弹性系统的分析与综合. 针对于此,采用系统辨识及均衡截断技术对高阶气动伺服弹性模型进行降阶处理,并利用所得到的低阶模型进行系统综合:(1) 基于Volterra级数气动力辨识技术,得到非定常气动力的时域降阶模型(ROM),耦合结构动力学模型及控制机构动力学模型获得气动伺服弹性(ASE)状态空间方程;(2) 利用均衡截段法对时域ASE模型进行进一步降阶,得到能够较真实反映所关心频域内系统响应的低阶ASE模型;(3) 针对建模误差和降阶误差存在造成的系统不确定性问题,结合降阶模型采用混合灵敏度H_\infty控制方法设计颤振主动抑制鲁棒控制律,保证其作用于真实系统的有效性;对控制器进行均衡阶段降阶并保持其鲁棒性,得到低阶鲁棒的颤振抑制控制器. 最后利用典型的BACT模型进行气动伺服弹性的降阶及主动颤振抑制控制,仿真结果表明,基于ROM建立的低阶气动弹性模型能够较真实地反应系统的颤振特性;而基于截断后的降阶模型所设计的低阶鲁棒控制器能够有效应用于存在不确定性摄动的实际系统,并将系统颤振速度提高36%.


    Abstract: Transonic unsteady aerodynamics model can be obtained by CFD/CSD couplingcomputation, but it is disadvantaged to analyze and integrate ASE problemsbecause of the high order of the model. The high order ASE model is dealtwith order reduction technique using system differentiate and analyses, andbalanced truncation in this paper, and to integrate with the low ordermodel. Outlines of this paper can be generalized as follow: (1) The unsteadyaerodynamics reduced-order model (ROM) is gained by applying Volterra seriestheory, and the aero-servo-elasticity (ASE) model is gained by couplingconfiguration dynamics and servo dynamics; (2) A lower ASE reduced-ordermodel is obtained using the balanced truncation method; (3) Based on ASEreduced-order model a mixed sensitivity H_\infty controller is designedfor flutter suppression to reduce the order of the controller while keepingits robustness. At last, in a typical BACT system, simulations of modelreduction and active flutter suppression controller designing are given. Theresult shows that the ASE reduced-order model based on ROM can reflectflutter characteristic of practical system factually, and it has lower orderthan CFD/CSD coupling model, while the low-order robust controller designedbased on balanced truncated ASE model can apply to practical systemeffectually, and increased the flutter speed by 36%.


